Tuesday, June 16, 2009

monday - day 19!



So today is all intern orientation day and so it was a fun day of meetings :) But I love it and all of it is about the BOTTOM LINE and making his name known in this NATION! So I got to sleep in like always on Mondays and I enjoyed my sleep! Katrina and I are always the last ones to get out of bed, but that is okay :) We started our Wigtake meeting a 2:15 with our journeymen leader and I loved it :) Distribution is going well with all the leaders and our campus ministry is really starting to pick up. We were able to share prayer requests with the other wigtakes and I would like to share with you some of them.

-new campus, pray for opportunities
-encouragement and motivation doing distribution time
-new contacts and the opportunities that are there
-new believers, pray that they follow through in baptism
-5ME is slow for some stations and needs encouragement

So there are some personal prayer requests form wigtakes leaders and I appreciate those of you reading through this and praying over myself and the other interns here in Tokyo this summer. Anyway after the meeting today we had some amazing worship time and for those of you that really know me - know that I love to sing :) I don't care what it sounds like because I am singing to my Father and that is all that matters to me :) Anyways we sang some awesome lyrics to songs and then we did an amazing song of our own. It is something that really touched me today in worship. We just sang out to our God and prayed to him through songs what was on our hearts. I have never had such an amazing touching feeling in worship time like this. I loved it and would love to share with anyone who would like to hear and or know more about what I am talking about! We also got the results to our personality tests back today and were able to get in our teams and learn about each other and special ways to help deal with each other. I must say I learned a lot form this activity about myself and my teammates! We had fellowship time tonight and invited some other M's to our dinner! we had sandwiches which were amazing and some yummy chicken flavored chips! I love the randomness of our Monday night meals! Oh course all the interns sat around and we got to know each a little more through question games and testimony sharing! It is so much fun to sit and play silly games. God just allows us to really pour our hearts out to one another during these Monday night fellowships :D We had a small short prayer and worship time tonight that we are going to start doing more often hopefully. We all like to Korean style pray and just get everything off our hearts at once and then worship together as a team of interns! I love the 30 friends and bros/sis' in Christ! Oh yea and last night I forgot to share about having a movie night upstairs with one of the M families! We watched transformers one together because Wednesday transformers 2 comes out in Japan! hahah before it does in the USA and we are going to all go and watch it together :)

-unity among interns
-M's and their families and the work they do here!
-new teams this week and their strength for this week
-fellowship time together that we learn and grow in Christ together
-my day off is tomorrow - RESTFUL day.


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