After speaking at church on Sunday the missions committee at my church got together to talk about what they could offer to me for financial support! So with that said, I got an email and a phone call today offering me great news! My church has $1000 dollars for my internship! I was so blessed and I am seriously speechless about it :) The Lord provides!!!
Yesterday I got home and had 2 checks mailed to me!!! I thanked the Lord for how gracious his followers have been to becoming a "sender" for this special opportunity in my life. Well both checks were written out to $100 each and I can give you great news!
My first payment is due Jan. 18th and with the $200 added to it I have received $675 for that payment!!! With the $1000 from my church I can reach the full first payment and COMPLETELY pay the second payment! So two payments have been reached and start working on the final payment of $2800.
The final update Jan. 18th payment PAID
Feb. payment PAID
FINAL payment.... currently at $275
The Lord is amazing and this is just one way he has blessed me today :)
~Prayer requests~
-I am moving to Plainview Sunday after church and through the
excitement I am a bit nervous! 1. Never driven alone on a highway :)
2. New school, new people, new roommate (but that I am happy about)
and 3. I am leaving amazing people back home that I will miss
-Ricky a friend I recently mentioned in a past blog leaves for
Thailand Saturday! Prepare their hearts oh Lord :)
-I am moving to Plainview Sunday after church and through the
excitement I am a bit nervous! 1. Never driven alone on a highway :)
2. New school, new people, new roommate (but that I am happy about)
and 3. I am leaving amazing people back home that I will miss
-Ricky a friend I recently mentioned in a past blog leaves for
Thailand Saturday! Prepare their hearts oh Lord :)