Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It is almost here!!!

Bags are packed, car is loaded, time for a wonderful drive to Dallas with my mom and an amazing learning weekend with my fellow interns! I am so excited for this opportunity and I thank everyone who has given financially, prayed for me and this experience, and those 17 prayer warriors who are AMAZING and have committed to praying for our team this summer!

This past week our leadership team went ahead of us to get everything ready for the interns this summer! Guess what! 4 people have already accepted Jesus Christ!!! How amazing is that :) This excites me so much. It is not about the numbers, it is about planting that seed in these Japanese lives and allowing the Father to do his amazing work in these people's lives! God has already started investing in lives that were shared to just last summer, proof - 4 people! Last summer the seed was planted in their lives :) How amazing :)

So I am a little worried about my bag weight :) You get one carry on and one bag! I am thankful I am not a real girly girl because there is NO WAY I would have been able to manage one bag! But, I am good and have my one bag, now just have to worry about the weight :) FYI: At wally world they have these amazing bags that you vacuum the air out of and make it easier to pack... THEY WORK!!!

In my last post I talked about Satan and how he is trying to win... Well he is fighting again so I want to share this with those of you reading. I lost both my grandmothers when I was in high school. My mom's step dad who I knew to be my grandfather passed away in October of last year... So I have only one grandparent remaining and that is my Dad's father. I have been shaken with the fact that if he is to pass away this summer, there is no way for me to get home for his funeral. This scares me and I know it is Satan, but please pray for this for me. I need a sense of peace about this and it is very hard. I am slowly releasing this and not allowing Satan to win this battle, but I need some prayer.

My bags are packed and I am off to Dallas.
Please say a special prayer at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday this is when our
team will fly off to Tokyo, Japan to do amazing work for our amazing God!
I will post again IN Japan!

JOHN 3:30

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweetie! Just checking on you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers today. How was the flight? Let me hear from you. We love you and will remember you and your team daily. Leslie & Byron
