Sunday, February 1, 2009

Updates :) 2/1/09

Happy February! Time for an update! I’m enjoying Wayland so much and have been blessed with many opportunities here!

We have started our volleyball workouts and they have been going great! We have had 3 recruits come in with some great talent, so I am excited to see what will come out of next season! The girls have been great to me and we are starting to connect! I am able to play some volleyball with them when we get the chance and on one random BEAUTIFUL day we played sand volleyball outside!

I am currently attending FBC of Plainview and it is great! The University Department is a lot of fun and has on average at least 25 college students! On Wednesday nights and Sundays we have Bible Studies! I have started working with the 3-5 year olds in Mission Friends on Wednesday Nights and so far it has been a blessing!!! I enjoy working with younger children and just to see the smiles on their faces BRIGHTENS my day! The BSM on campus is an awesome program that I have enjoyed going to! On Monday nights I got to a bible study there :)

I am currently working 2 jobs! I know I am crazy but both jobs are wonderful! I am a part of the intramural staff for basketball right now and soon to be played co-ed volleyball. For those of you wondering, we are not allowed to play intramurals because in the past one volleyball player tore her ACL. So we work for the staff and make money instead! My other job is on Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8-12 and it is in the Truck and Auto Department! I plan on maintaining this job the 2 and half years I am here :)

NOW for fundraising! I have received a check for $100 and am so excited and blessed! It was totally unexpected because it came to me school address! Most financial help is being send to my father at my home address and he will mail me every two weeks anything that came. So to get this in my WBU mail was AWESOME! I have sent in my first check and in two weeks will send in the second check. These payments are fully covered and I am still working on the final payment of $2800. With receiving this check in the mail I now have $500 for the final payment! I have $2300 to go and I know the Lord will provide! IN FACT, FBC of Plainview has mentioned financially supporting me! The Lord is great!

Lots of smiles and great memories from my first month at WAYLAND! I have been blessed! :)

Prayers requests:
-A friend of mine is having a hard time this semester; please keep her in your thoughts.
-One of my bible studies director’s niece just found out she has cancer, please pray for her healing and an opportunity for this family to share Christ with her Muslim father.
-School at Wayland is expensive :) I have applied for scholarships and I know that the Lord has a will for what will take place.
-The month of February!!!

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