Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am enjoying my time here at WAYLAND!!!
The Lord is amazing as I have continued to say in my past posts!
Spring Revival at the BSM was awesome and I posted last time I would talk a little about it! Sunday night (Super Bowl Weekend) at 7 p.m. 24 hours of prayer started for the spring revival! I have never done something like this before and I must tell you IT WAS AMAZING! So starting at 7 p.m. during the football game, someone would be in prayer for what was to come during the Spring Revival! Well I signed up from 5 AM to 6 AM Monday morning and though it sounds crazy! I LOVED IT!!! I was able to pray by name for each student living on campus and those I know that live off campus. This was a great experience for me and I encourage anyone who is interested to invest in a 24 hour prayer! AWESOME. Well so Spring Revival started Monday night and it went very well. I think there was at least 50 college students there plus Billy Beacham and the Trae Sweatt Band. The worship was a great experience and really spoke to me about some areas in my life. Billy was AMAZING! I like that word apparently :) Tuesday night I had a night class and was unable to make the Spring Revival, but after asking my wonderful roommate about it she said it was the BEST night! They got together and for several hours prayed over the campus, the students, the professors and everyone related to the Wayland world :) Wednesday during chapel we had Billy as well as the band and 4 PEOPLE WERE SAVED!!!!! Now that is AMAZING! Wednesday was the last night of the Spring Revival and it went very well. It spoke to many students and as we spoke out to each other we can hold each other accountable to what we spoke out about.
The Lord has truly blessed this campus and I know he will continue to do so! I found out Super Summer use to be held here and for those of you who do not know I am so fond of SUPER SUMMER! God does great things! He has me at WAYLAND for a reason and I am loving it!
Don't stay until He calls you to go.
GO until He calls you to STAY!!!

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