Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well I am here at WAYLAND and loving it :)

I have been very busy with packing up, saying goodbyes and moving off! So I have not been able to update in a few days. I started classes today and am taking 18 hours! I am happy about that though, so for those of you who may think that is a lot... I will survive!

I have a new roommate since I moved schools and she has been GREAT! I hope we are able to enjoy many many fun times with each other while living together :) She plays soccer and for those of you who know me really well! You know that soccer is my passion!

Okay back to business...
Before leaving San Angelo I got some financial support and a few letters of encouragement!!! I have gotten $125 more towards my trip which then helps me to reach $400 on my final payment. That payment is $2800 and I only have $2400 left to raise! Thank you for your support and prayers!

I am currently reading a book called Love Notes which is a Biblical Look at Love! It is amazing and I am truely enjoying it :) I would recomend it to anyone who wants to truely understand how we are to love people. Whether it be a friend, a bf/gf, or a spouse! It is amazing :D

Prayer requests
-Please pray for my classes as they start up and for the teachers who stress over teaching so many students!
-I have a friend who is having a really hard time in her life and without mentioning names or the situation, please pray for her.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Update on fund raising :) 1/8/09

I'm here with great news :)

After speaking at church on Sunday the missions committee at my church got together to talk about what they could offer to me for financial support! So with that said, I got an email and a phone call today offering me great news! My church has $1000 dollars for my internship! I was so blessed and I am seriously speechless about it :) The Lord provides!!!

Yesterday I got home and had 2 checks mailed to me!!! I thanked the Lord for how gracious his followers have been to becoming a "sender" for this special opportunity in my life. Well both checks were written out to $100 each and I can give you great news!

My first payment is due Jan. 18th and with the $200 added to it I have received $675 for that payment!!! With the $1000 from my church I can reach the full first payment and COMPLETELY pay the second payment! So two payments have been reached and start working on the final payment of $2800.

The final update Jan. 18th payment PAID
Feb. payment PAID
FINAL payment.... currently at $275

The Lord is amazing and this is just one way he has blessed me today :)

~Prayer requests~
-I am moving to Plainview Sunday after church and through the
excitement I am a bit nervous! 1. Never driven alone on a highway :)
2. New school, new people, new roommate (but that I am happy about)
and 3. I am leaving amazing people back home that I will miss
-Ricky a friend I recently mentioned in a past blog leaves for
Thailand Saturday! Prepare their hearts oh Lord :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

church today

While I am on setting up my profile a little more, I will let you know something great!
-When I spoke in church today, IT WENT GREAT!!!
Thank you for your prayers and the Lord provided the words :D

LOVE the Lord your God with all you heart, all your soul,
all your mind. Love our neighbor as yourself!!!


This blog will tell you everything you need to know about what I am doing, where, etc.

Hello friend!

God has called me once again to do something amazing this summer! I have chosen to be obedient to this calling and “Declare His glory among the nations; His marvelous works among all the people” (Psalm 96:3). Last time I wrote you, I asked for your prayers in my upcoming mission trip to Germany! I am here again to ask for your support in Japan this coming summer of 2009! He led me through an amazing ten days in Germany during the summer of 2007 and has now given me the opportunity to serve him for over two months in Japan as an intern for the local missionary in Tokyo. From May 23, 2009 until August 6, 2009, I will be participating in this short-term internship to Japan with iWitness Ministries. This ministry is devoted to teaching, training, and sending students around the world to serve His name. All iWitness teams work with career missionaries and Journeymen from the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention or nation pastors affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

While in Japan I will work along side the local missionary in Tokyo. I am one member of the 15 man team of interns for 2009 that through obedience is searching for the works God has prepared for us in advance (Ephesians 2:10). My time in Tokyo will involve a lot of prayer walking through the areas of which short-term teams will come in and evangelize with the Japanese people. As an intern, it is my responsibility to guide teams through Tokyo by subway, bus and foot to their destination. Along side other interns we will distribute tracts, Bibles, and videos to the Japanese people. These materials help with local house churches that the missionary in Tokyo and past interns have helped develop. As an intern, I will help my team to become involved in the house churches creating opportunities to help lead and share. Most of my time will be devoted to the teams that I am assigned and their tasks. A lot of our time will be spent building relationships with the Japanese people. We will create a friendship that will build trust and allow us to share the Good News!

I want to invite you to be a part of this experience in my life by becoming a “sender”. I need “senders” who will commit to pray for me as I prepare for this trip. I also need “senders” who will commit to support me in this trip financially. The total cost of the trip is $4500 and includes all expenses such as airfare, accommodations, food and training. I was blessed with my first payment, due last week of $300. On January 18 and February 22 I must turn in $700 each time. My final payment of $2800 is due on April 1. Throughout the next few months I will save money through personal sacrifices as I try to raise the money for this amazing internship. I can not raise this money alone though and I know I need your assistance to help cover part of the cost of this trip. Would you consider investing in my life and the lives of those I will connect with in Japan by giving financially?

If you would like to help me, I would be very grateful of that! Please feel free to write me a note of encouragement. Any support financially, through prayers, and through letters is going to help! I also have set up an account with my church, Immanuel Baptist Church. You can make your check payable to Immanuel Baptist and send it to the address below. If sending your support check to my church, please be sure to list my name in the bottom left corner.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to comment me if you have any questions about my Japan internship! I would love to share any information I have with you about your questions! Thank you for all you have done for me.

Serving Him in ALL Nations,
Haley Hill

P.S. I am confident that this experience is going to be another huge marker in my spiritual life and I thank you for considering being a part of it! I know that God will build my faith by providing the $4500 and that he will stretch my faith as I make him know in Japan!

Immanuel Baptist Church
90 East 14th Street
San Angelo, Texas

Saturday, January 3, 2009

First Blog! 1-3-09

Well... here we go!

I am starting to blog my experiences that will lead up to the blogging while I am in Japan this coming summer! This is new for me, so I will learn and hopefully improve as you continue to read on my updates :)

Today is January 3rd so HAPPY NEW YEAR! I started my new year off with some friends from church. Just hanging out and having a good time laughing and bringing in 2009! Tonight the same friends will be having a going away party for a friend going to Thailand for the next 5 months! Please pray for his experiences with the people who God places in his path :)

Currently with my trip financially I am a tad bit under where I need to be, but I have faith and I know Christ is going to provide! In my letter for support I sent out I wrote about the deposit of $300 that I sent in. I was extremely blessed with this money at that time. It is amazing how Christ meets deadlines! Currently I have $475 to go towards my 1st payment on January 18. That payment is $700 and through prayer and my faith I know it is going to be provided!

To those of you reading :) Thank you for your support through prayers, letters and financially. I will not be able to thank you enough personally, but I know Christ has blessed you for following what he led you to do. I have postponed mailing your thank you letter until I got this blog up and running. This is for YOU! So you can see where I stand in my fund raising and updates on the trip.

Again thank you! And I will keep you posted!!!

Today I ask for your prayers...
~I speak tomorrow in front of the congregation about my trip and the expectations I have for the summer :) Please pray for courage and the right words to come from him through me!
~My mom is currently traveling back to Wink, TX for her work. Please pray for her safety.